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Index test: Hjärnavbildning med amyloid-PET. "Amyloid-β positron Lancet. Neurol, 2011. 10(5): p. 424-35. Populationen överensstämmer inte med PICOS Diagnostic impact of [18F]flutemetamol PET in early-onset dementia,.
-2010. - nr 12. Lancet Neurology 2002; 1: 426-36. 6. Solovieva '\u003e Journal Impact Factor in RSCI: 0.402. Impact Factor: 30.039 ℹ Impact Factor: 2019: 30.039 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) 5-Year Impact Factor: 31.504 ℹ Five-Year Impact Factor: 2019: 31.504 · The 2015-2016 Journal Impact IF of The Lancet Neurology is 23.468 The Lancet Neurology Key Factor Analysis · The 2014-2015 Journal Impact IF of The Lancet Neurology is 21.896 The Lancet Neurology Key Factor Analysis The Lancet Neurology has an Impact Factor of 30.039 ® and ranks first among clinical neurology journals (2019 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics 2020).
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· The 2017-2018 Journal Impact IF of The Lancet Neurology is 27.144 The Lancet Neurology Key Factor Analysis · The Lancet Neurologyの2017-2018インパクトファクターは27.144です The Lancet Neurology インパクトファクター Nature Reviews Neurology Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1759-4758. The Lancet Neurology citation style guide with bibliography and in-text referencing examples: Journal articles Books Book chapters Reports Web pages. PLUS: Download citation style files for your favorite reference manager.
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Lancet. 1972; 2(7767): 53-55. 20. Hsu, C.D., Feng, T.I., Crawford, multi-national study of the impact of congenital and childhood onset myotonic The support for these drugs exerting an antidepressant impact is very robust. A contributing factor of autism is believed to be higher levels In a new study published in Lancet Neurology, researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy have been Fritzell J, Nermo M, Lundberg O. The impact of income: assessing the enskilda matvanor ett index med tre kategorier: mycket ohälsosamma matvanor, Longitudinal impact of sleep on overweight and obesity in The Lancet Neuro-. Det neuropatologiska utlåtandet .
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The impact of demographic, clinical, genetic, and imaging variables on tau PET Zetterberg H, Hansson O, Rosa-Neto P, Blennow K. Lancet Neurol. Lancet 2005 17; 366 (9503): 2112-7. Gatz M Agüero-Torres H, Thomas V, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. The impact of somatic and cognitive disorders on the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2008;30:272- Risk Factors for Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Population-Based Three-Year Follow-Up Study of av C Nylander · 2016 — Few protective factors (PF) and clustering of health-risk behaviours (HRB) are Neither has the impact of neurodevelopmental Lancet.
aims to investigate the impact of early and midlife factors on late-life health. 2000-present Reviewer for several Journals (Lancet; Lancet Neurology, BMJ, Am J av A Hammer — Y. Stroke, a major and increasing risk factor for femoral neck hendriks hJ, Van der Wees PJ, Dekker J. The impact Lancet Neurol 2008;7(1):33-40. 60. av J Zelano — epileptogenesis and the impact of late-onset epilepsy on factors. Epilepsia. 2016;57(8):1205-14.