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Vim: "gq" -kommandot till hårda omslagskommentarer, men inte
:setl tw=80 gggqG In the above, gggqG is gg (go to the first line) then gq (format) to G (the last line). In addition, Vim itself provides the command gqq to format the current line, so typing something like 999gqq (with maybe hitting. a few times if that's not enough to format the whole buffer) in normal mode will format the buffer according to the value of 'textwidth'. gq is actually one of my favorite Vim features - it autoformats blocks of text, including comments, to be at most 80 characters long. (I think it may be a setting?) I actually started to forget about it since few Vim emulations do it correctly.
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until the next blank @MichaelT Jag har ingen IDE, jag använder Vim. Med gqq , det sveper det bara på utrymmen som redan finns där, vilket inte är till stor hjälp. @Panzercrisis: Min Vim-konfiguration inkluderar setformatalternativ = c, q, a. Jag är helt irriterad över I det här fallet med en enda rad skulle det vara gqq . För tre rader, det är Vim: The “gq” Command to Hard-Wrap Comments, but Not the Code (even if no blank line in-between) In Vim, you may want to format long lines, that is, wrap long lines so the longest is, say, 80 characters.
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VSCodeVim. Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code. VSCodeVim is a Vim emulator for Visual Studio Code. For a full list of supported Vim features, please refer to our roadmap.
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Perhaps this should be mentioned in the help pages or formatting should be independent of the number of screen columns? To: sup-talk
Describe the bug. In Vim9 script, it is not always easy to find where a whitespace is disallowed. Hello Vim users, I have noticed that the formatting command "gq" is affected by the options "linebreak" and "columns": If "linebreak" is set, lines are broken at different positions if the value of "columns" varies, i.e.
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2021年2月5日 vim快捷键 vim模式 正常模式: 可以使用快捷键命令,或按:输入命令行。 排当前行 和下面n行gqQ 重排当前段对文章末尾J 拼接当前行和下一行gJ GQM, GQN, GQO, GQP, GQQ, GQR, GQS, GQT, GQU, GQV, GQW, GQX, GQY VIB, VIC, VID, VIE, VIF, VIG, VIH, VII, VIJ, VIK, VIL, VIM, VIN, VIO, VIP, VIQ, VIR Cheap flights to Butler(GQQ). Get started finding a cheap flight to Butler on Expedia by either choosing a deal on this page or entering into the search bar your 大家來學VIM(一個歷久彌新的編輯器)[三] 下編輯指令都是在commond-mode( c-mode),就是您一進入vim 時的模式,只能下指令,不能鍵入 gqq 本行重排。 27 Aug 2014 the vimwiki wiki plugin is reason enough to use vim . It is a personal light weight wiki mode) go next/create cell. gqq or gww, reformat table 2019年9月24日 vim command to restructure/force text to 80 columns我知道有几种方法可以使用 set textwidth自动设置vim中的文本宽度(例如Vim 80的列布局问题) repeat last modification matchit.vim : % now matches tags